
Born in Yorkshire, Ed originally studied History of Art and Architecture at Cambridge, before training at the Royal Academy of Music and the National Opera Studio. He now lives in Cheltenham where the Therapy Practice is based and divides his time between Opera and Therapy. Through his own experiences as a performer, he realised a vocation for helping others to deal with the pressures of daily life, build self esteem and lead more congruent, fulfilling lives. He studied at the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and has a Level 4 Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy. He also holds a Diploma in Stress Management and Resilience Building and is an accredited ACT practitioner. Ed is a practising Zen Buddhist and brings the secular elements of this - mindfulness, acceptance and compassion for the self and others - into his therapy practice.

GHR Registered Practitioner
GHSC Accredited Practitioner
The British Psychological Society Approved
ISMA Stress Management Association